Frequently Asked Questions
We have been where you are! There are many consulting firms out there, and some have amazing credentials. KM Consulting is different. We don’t come from a Big Eight Accounting Firm, or a large Corporate Consulting firm. Instead we developed our point of view through the same school of hard knocks as you – we started several companies and made them successful. The good news is you can benefit from our experience, and shorten the time to success, by eliminating many of the inevitable mistakes… because we have already made them, and can help you circumvent them.
Is there a modern way to evaluate potential employees? In fact, there are several. We prefer a job benchmarking and assessment process, known as TriMetrix. If the job could talk, what would it tell you about the ideal employee from a series of different perspectives, including (but not limited to) the stakeholders, the behaviors, and the motivations necessary to be successful. We actually measure the requirements of the job, providing a complete system to compare talent to the position and create the best job fit.
With all of the components in the TriMetrix System, this powerful tool ensures that you hire, develop and retain top talent.
Thinking of starting a business for the first time? Most start-up businesses work very hard to develop a business plan, necessary to get funding from a bank or similar lending institution. But once this funding phase is completed the business plan gets placed on a shelve and becomes a magnet for dust.
But what is really necessary now is a Strategic Plan, a roadmap detailing the tactics and responsibilities necessary to achieve the founders vision for the business. Far to few privately owned companies use a strategic planning process, and they should. When properly designed and maintained, a start-up business can streamline their efforts while staying focused on the things that will insure success. Best of all it improves internal communication and keeps everyone involved pointing in the same direction.
Can you be successful without a strategic plan? Perhaps, but start your business with a Strategic plan and process implementation from KM Consulting and you will achieve your vision faster and more effectively.
Achieving work and life balance can be hard. And is many companies that’s a very common situation. The solution is often achieved by retaining the services of a business coach.
Most small businesses owners don’t start out using a coach. They usually come to coaching when they’ve had some success and when they know they could have more. But, the best coaching in the world won’t help you if you’re not ready to be helped. So before you go hunting for a good business coach, answer the following questions.
- Are you ready to listen to the things you need to hear?
- Are you ready to take a hard and honest look at your business?
- Are you ready to pay the price?
Coaching isn’t a silver bullet, but it often makes the difference between mediocrity and success. If you look at coaching as what it is, an investment in yourself and your future success, it makes sense. Why not schedule a no-obligation consultation with Km Consulting and learn more?